«P S A L M Y A R Y»
the psalmists worship band

Light a candle of worship with your thirst, then put it up to be seen in the church - and you will see people coming out of dark corners of despondency, religion, and indifference. You will see them take out their candles of worship, light them with your candle, and put them beside yours. Little by little, there will be more and more light until the dark corners are no more. But know this: this is only the beginning. After that, will come the glory of God that will outshine your candlelight. It will tear down the walls of the church and will fill everything around us with shining light. And this light will draw numerous crowds of people from the dark corners.

Oh, Lord, do this with us!


Through his Word and through his anointed worshippers the Lord revealed to us, that there is incomparably more in worship than what we usually see and experience in the services. We realized that he invites us to enjoy such intimacy with him that will allow us to hear the tunes and rhythms of his heart. We have rejected our own understanding of what worship should be like in order to become tools in God's hands, and instruments through which he could get this message across to the worshippers of the current generation. Deep in our hearts, we feel thirst which provokes us to search in worship rather than use a ready-made formula. Each of us has once touched the Lord in worship and from now on we will never settle for anything less than all of his glory. We have one purpose, one desire, and one delight - the presence of God. The rest does not matter.

Having had this revelation, we are now on fire to help the children of God to experience a touch of the Father in worship. We believe that just one touch like that can do much more in one minute than hundreds of sermons in many years. All that it takes is allowing God to come and do what he wants.

If during worship you feel satisfaction only when you hear beautiful music but do not sense the touch of God…
If for you worship is always a choice rather than real and warm feelings…
If while anticipating the worship time, you have not felt a sweet tug at the heart awaiting the Beloved One, it is possible that it's time for you to remember your "first love"…

Hosted by uCoz